Toph Beifong's image

Toph Beifong

Avatar: The Last Airbender

Stubborn, uninhibited, and exuberantly self-confident, Toph loves to say and do whatever she pleases. She hates formalities, rituals, and fancy stuff (like sh... [Read more]

Aliases update
The Blind Bandit | Melon Lord | The Runaway | The Greatest Earthbender in the World | Dum | Dung See more
Powerful Earthbender Lady | The Original Beifong | Sifu Toph
Voice Actor

English: Jessie Flower

Description check_circle update

Stubborn, uninhibited, and exuberantly self-confident, Toph loves to say and do whatever she pleases. She hates formalities, rituals, and fancy stuff (like shoes). She’d rather feel the pebbles and dirt under her bare feet. Toph has no patience with other people telling her what to do, but she’s more than happy to boss others around. Used to being underestimated, she uses people’s misperceptions of her to gain an advantage over them. A human lie detector, she can sense the slightest changes in people’s heartbeats and breathing. Toph often hides her feelings with humor and bravado, but with the right person, she’ll open up and show her vulnerable side.


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