Ningguang from Genshin Impact


Genshin Impact

Owner of the Jade Chamber in the skies above Liyue, there are stories abound about Ningguang, with her elegance and mysterious smile. As a Tianquan of the Liy... [Read more]

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Contribution History
Aliases update
Lady of the Jade Chamber | Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing | Owner of the Jade Chamber | Gyoukou | Lady Tianquan | Tailor of Liyue See more
Eclipsing Star | Her Eminence, the Tianquan | 凝光
Voice Actors

Japanese: Sayaka Ohara

English: Erin Ebers

Chinese: Du Mingya

Description check_circle update

Owner of the Jade Chamber in the skies above Liyue, there are stories abound about Ningguang, with her elegance and mysterious smile.
As a Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing, not only does she embody law and order, she also represents fortune and wit.


Images (42) update

Ningguang's image1

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