Aliases updateBarbatos | Windborne Bard | Tone-Deaf Bard | God of Anemo | Master Bard | The Wind God
See moreArchon of the Winds | The God of Freedom | The God of Mondstadt | Mr. Big Anemo God Barbatos | The Best Wandering Bard of the Mortal World | Little Bard | The Best Bard in the World | The Anemo Archon | The God of Wind and Song | The Granter and Guardian of Mondstadt's Freedom | Lord Barbatos | The Absentee Archon | Venti the Bard | Papa Toes | Herald of Freedom | The Bane of Kings | The Ruler of Mondstadt | The Anemo God | Barsibato | Bartobas | Green Fellow | The Greatest Romantic Advisor in Town | Mr. Bard | Professor Venti | The Wind Archon | Master Tone-Deaf Bard | Windrider | The Work-Shy Bard | The Holy Lyre | The God of Anemo | Green Bard | The Best Bard in Mondstadt | The God of Wind | Mondstadt's Liquor-loving Lyricist | 温迪
Description check_circle updateA bard that seems to have arrived on some unknown wind — sometimes sings songs as old as the hills, and other times sings poems fresh and new.
Likes apples and lively places but is not a fan of cheese or anything sticky.
When using his Anemo power to control the wind, it often appears as feathers, as he's fond of that which appears light and breezy.