Fischl from Genshin Impact


Genshin Impact

A mysterious girl who calls herself "Prinzessin der Verurteilung" and travels with a night raven named Oz. Currently serves as an investigator in the Adventur... [Read more]

Aliases update
Prinzessin der Verurteilung | Sovereign of Immernachtreich | Princess Fischl | Omniscient and Eminent Judge of All the World's Iniquity | Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort | Amy See more
Glanz der Nacht | Ruler of the Ashen Darkness | Black Raven | Prinzessin der Verurteilung Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort | Prinzessin of the Immernachtreich | The Absolute One | Lady of Uttermost Darkness | Sovereign of the Immernachtreich | The Soteria | High Lady of Immernachtreich | 菲谢尔
Voice Actors

Chinese: Mace

Japanese: Maaya Uchida

English: Brittany Cox

Description check_circle update

A mysterious girl who calls herself "Prinzessin der Verurteilung" and travels with a night raven named Oz. Currently serves as an investigator in the Adventurers' Guild.
Through her unique abilities, eccentric character, and (while she would never admit it herself) hard work, Fischl has become a rising star among the Adventurers' Guild's investigators, earning the recognition of all.


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