Arendelle's queen and a wielder of powerful ice magic. Anna's older sister. A quarrel with Anna on her coronation day resulted in Elsa unleashing the ice mag... [Read more]
Japanese: Takako Matsu
English: Eva Bella | Idina Menzel | Mattea Conforti | Spencer Lacey Ganus
Arendelle's queen and a wielder of powerful ice magic.
Anna's older sister. A quarrel with Anna on her coronation day resulted in Elsa unleashing the ice magic she'd been keeping hidden, and Elsa fled the castle.
Elsa is a mythic character – magical and larger than life. Now completely in control of her powers, she is confident, resolved, and warm Elsa looks after the spirits of nature and embraces her role as the Snow Queen, knowing that it is who she was always meant to be.
Source: Jiminy's Journal, Kingdom Hearts III &
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