Jerma from Jerma985


Aliases update
Jerma985 | Jeremy Harrington | 2ndJerma | 'Imposter is Sus' Guy | TheMasterOfComedy209 | The Ass Man See more
Jeremy Elbertson | The Most Dangerous Man on Twitch | Judge Jerma | Late Streamer | The Lord of Hatred | Mr. Detail | Toothpick-guy | Frank Ugly | Toilet Gamer | The Guy Who Beat Dark Souls 3 on Stream | Sus Guy | amogusguy | #1 on the IRS's Most-Wanted List | The Comedy Guy | Shortest Man in Dwarfland | The Only Human Who Can Make Zeus Think Twice | The Ultimate Alpha Male | Henry Bubinski | HubartTheFearful | ScrumpaDump | HarveyHamburger | Bungo | CreamCheeseSandwich | Farfignutin | Jermy | YogiBeara | HumphreyBogart | House Targaryen | Professional Russian | A Broom | BurgaPhone | Ice Cream Sandwich | The Statue | Burpologist | OOO (The Bug) | Dom DeLuise | Fergason | Huskerdo | SquishSquash | Burgahs | FruitSnacks | ChickPeas | Duck Mastiff | Hamburger Helper | Herman | ShreddedCheese | HDDVD | Burpa985 | JuicyJuice | Grand MASTAH Pycelle | Iced-Coffee (Meat Flavor) | Living Room Set - $799 | Fig Newton | Tyko RC | Ice Cold Milk | Frog Man | Disk Defragmenter | The St. Louis Slammer | Hungry Hippo | Sgt. Dougal | Chedder Brat | LargeFart | Hoot-Hoot (I'm an Owl) | Hoover Vacuum | Diarrhea Silo | Piss Reserve | Toilet Brush | Frogmin | HUAHUHAHUHAJHFGAIUESHLSRI | Maniacal Laugh | HotDoug | Rotten Egg Yolks | Marshmello Fluff | Expensive Antique Chair | The Orchestra | 2 Eggs, Scrambled | Burrito Fingahs | Song Lyric | Shaman Deck | HEHRAHA KRITTY KRAT :3 | Pot Pie | parmeshean | Triangle Master | Rotten Eggnog | Abe Linkedin | Dean Dingus | Potato Sack | Rotten Apple | Ice Cream Bonanza | Luigi Hehe | Lemon (OoOo SOUR) | Stadium Seating | Bologna Boy | Slob [Lob Variety] | Squash | Delectable | Hot Sauce | Gosh | Grog | Oreck XL | Quit Cheatin' | Handkerchief | Zombi3 Kill3r | Danish | Sloppy Joe (Extra Sauce) | Honey Nut Cheerios | Hi | Grumpy | 6AM Gamer | Otto is getting fat | Crumb Cake | B+ | C- | The Master of Destruction | The Slime Exterminator | The Arcade Killer | The Rubik's Noob | The Short Sniper | The Insane Artist | Jermades | Jermios | Jeremy Elbertson Nine Hundred and Eighty Five | Delay Andy | Jerma911 | The Fortnite Fisherman | fortnite.jimmy.2010 | Tickle Me Jerma™ | Short Streamer | King of the Junjle | SMUSH985 | SqueakySquak | Gas Can | The Game Wizard From Las Vegas | Justin | Jermdog | Jefffreea900 | 2nd Jerma | spadetornade | dipdiamondsuv | binary_man01001100 | waterfallaquarium | The Poké Man | The Fecal Sorcerer | The Bread Apologist | Rhythm Heaven Underachiever | jermASMR | The Sus Guy | Imposter Is Sus Guy | Mean Gene Okerlund | Frothy Milkshake | Swears | Jahova (The Witness) | It's over! | It's Over | Peace | Hello? Wake Up? | Jurassic Jerk | Doctor Dumb, Teller of Lies | Snail | SAT Exam | Jermbo | SusRunner | Zerma | The Jexorcist | ScarletOtter505 | Strength Build Golfer | LetsGetIt | RoyaleCominMyWay | Jeremiah | The Dino Dentist | WonderousMagicSpells | Frank The Fish | Smashing good time | Jerma, The PC Computer Doctor | FreshMojito | Johnny500 | Corporate Paragraph Andy | Combo Meal | Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Jerma | Jeremy 'The Hot Dog' Elbertson | The Dippin' Dots Kid
Voice Actor

English: Jerma

Custom Lists

This character is in 2 custom lists See them

Images (33)

Jerma's image1

Series (3) update