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Genshin Impact

Knights of Favonius Spark Knight! Forever with a bang and a flash! —And then disappearing from the stern gaze of Acting Grand Master Jean. Sure, time in solit... [Read more]

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Aliases update
Knights of Favonius Spark Knight | Spark Knight | Burny Girl | Fleeing Sunlight | Searing Mischief Maker | The Legendary Girl in Red See more
The Strongest Fighter in Mondstadt | Wicked Girl of Flame | The Successor to Great Knowledge | Crimson Knight | The Little Spark Knight | Miss Mage | 可莉
Voice Actors

English: Poonam Basu

Japanese: Misaki Kuno

Chinese: Hualing

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Knights of Favonius Spark Knight! Forever with a bang and a flash!
—And then disappearing from the stern gaze of Acting Grand Master Jean.
Sure, time in solitary confinement gives lots of time to think about new gunpowder formulas...
But it'd still be better to not be in solitary in the first place.

Source: https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/character/mondstadt?char=8

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